A Network of Pet Care Professionals
in Ocala, Marion County, Florida
Which pet sitting business is the right fit for you and your pet or farm’s needs?
The Pet & Farm Sitters Network of Ocala has a unique bond that’s cooperative and strives to bring the pet community together.
Our network has a variety of sitters who specialize in different areas of pet and farm care and who cover different service areas in Ocala and surrounding areas within Marion County, FL. We encourage you to do your research, visit our web pages, then reach out to one of us. If we can’t help you, we’re bound to know someone who can.
Check our credentials and learn more on our websites.
Pet & Farm Sitters of Ocala
Leashes to Leads, LLC
Owner: Aimee Thomas
Locations: NW Ocala, WEC, Horse Country
Services Offered: Pet & Farm Sitting, Dog Walking, Live-in Care, and Magnawave
Website: Leashestoleads.com
Email: Aimee@leashestoleads.com
Phone: 352-266-1526
Ocala Pet Sitting, LLC
Owner: Shannon Hendon
Locations: SW & Central Ocala
Services Offered: Cat Sitting Specialist, Bird & Small Animal Pet Sitting, Daily Dog Walking, and Live-in Care
Website: OcalaPetSitting.com
Email: Shannon@OcalaPetSitting.com
Phone: 352-354-2602
Dana Do Pet Concierge, LLC
Owner: Dana Mulkey
Locations: SE Ocala
Services Offered: Daily Dog Walking, Overnight & Vacation Pet Sitting, and Premium Live-in Care
Website: www.Dana-Do.com
Email: DanaDoOcala@yahoo.com
Phone: 352-497-9515
Always There Animal Care, LLC
Owner: DeeDee Martel
Locations: SE Ocala and surrounding areas
Services Offered: Pet & Farm Sitting, Overnight Care, and Dog Walking
Website: alwaysthereanimalcare.com
Email: alwaysthereanimalcare2018@gmail.com
Phone: 352-427-6237
Bits 2 Leashes, LLC
Owner: Tiffany Stull
Locations: SW Ocala, Dunnellon, Morriston
Services Offered: Pet & Farm Sitting, Overnight Care, Dog Walking, Live-in Care
Website: bits2leashes.com
Email: bits2leashes@gmail.com
Phone: 352-342-1239
Hearts and Paws Pet Sitting, LLC
Owner: Julia Lucas
Locations: SE & NE Ocala
Services Offered: Pet & Farm Sitting, Overnight care, Dog Walking, and Homemade Pet Treats
Website: https://heartsandpawspetsitting.com/
Email: heartsandpaws@myyahoo.com
Phone: 352-572-5527
Paws for a While, LLC
Owner: Ashley Bennett
Locations: East and NE Ocala, and surrounding areas
Services Offered: Pet & Farm Sitting
Website: https://pawsocala.com/
Email: ashleyb3125@gmail.com
Phone: 603-540-8165
Priority Animal and Farm Care, LLC
Owner: Rosemary Pease
Locations: NW Ocala and surrounding areas
Services Offered: Pet & Farm Sitting, General Maintenance Farm Care
Website: facebook.com/PriorityAnimalAndFarmCare
Email: PriorityAnimalcare@Yahoo.com
Phone: 870-278-7310